The oncology learning experience offers comprehensive experience in the inpatient care setting, focusing on the complex medication needs of pediatric oncology patients. A typical day involves collaborating closely with the oncology team, including attending physicians, fellows, nurses, and clinical pharmacists. I attend medical rounds with the inpatient oncology team, reviewing patients, adjusting medications used for supportive care, and monitoring for adverse effects or drug interactions. Additionally, I help complete pharmacy monitoring, such as reviewing labs, assessing renal function, and ensuring appropriate dosing of high-risk medications like vancomycin, which is managed per pharmacy protocols.
As a PGY1 resident, I also perform admission medication reconciliations and discharge medication teaching. My favorite part of the rotation is the medication education aspect to it. I enjoy talking to families and helping them better understand the proper use of their medications. Taking care of pediatric oncology patients with complex medical needs is challenging, but it is a highly rewarding experience.
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