Send a Greeting Card

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The information below is optional, but it will help us make sure the correct patient receives your card.

Card You Selected

Selected Card Appears Here

Friends and family can now send greeting cards to a Packard Children's patient! You can choose one of the designs below and include a personal message. Your card will be printed at the hospital and delivered to the patient.

To ensure that your card reaches the patient, please be sure it meets the following guidelines:

  • The patient's name is spelled correctly. We are not able to deliver cards unless they are for a specific patient.
  • The patient is at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital's main facility in Palo Alto or in our pediatric unit at El Camino Hospital.
  • The card contains appropriate language.


A card sent on a Monday-Friday before 12 pm will be delivered the same day. Otherwise, the card will be delivered the next business day.

Animal Balloons
Banner Confetti
Blooming Flowers
Forest Animals
Sea Waves
Superhero Kids
Valentine Love Garden
Fall Leaves
Snow Landscape
Tropical Flowers
Bear with Flowers
Forest Animal In Tree
I Love You Bear
Pattern with Leaves
Spring Flowers