Breastfeeding Support

To help you achieve your personal breastfeeding goals, we provide nurturing care, education and support.

We strongly endorse breast milk as the optimal nutrition for newborns. We also know that, while breastfeeding is natural, it is not always easy, and that each mother has unique circumstances. Our highly trained staff works with you to provide personalized support to meet your individual goals and needs.

Lactation support and services

Before birth. We encourage you to attend a prenatal breastfeeding class before your baby is born to improve your breastfeeding experience. Expectant mothers are welcome to call us with questions.

In the hospital. All of our doctors, maternity nurses and board-certified lactation consultants are highly trained and available to help support you in breastfeeding.

Outside the hospital. Board certified lactation consultants will be available to provide breastfeeding consultations after your hospital discharge.

  • In-person lactation consultations are available Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m at our location at Peninsula Pediatric Medical Group in Menlo Park. For scheduling, email or call (650) 723-4118.
  • We are offering virtual telehealth visits Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. To make an appointment, email
  • Guidelines for storing and preparing milk at home
  • Support Groups – Join us weekly to share, discuss and connect with new parents and their babies. These groups are hosted by our group facilitators who have years of experience listening and supporting new parents and their babies. Support Groups are currently being held online via Zoom.

    Please email for more information on how to register.

    Mother-baby mornings
    Our Mother-Baby Mornings group is open to parents with babies 0 to 6 months of age. Join us Tuesday mornings, 11 a.m. – noon. An internationally board-certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) joins the first Tuesday of the month. 

    Movers and shakers
    Our Movers and Shakers group is open to parents with babies 5 to 10 months of age. Join us Monday mornings, 11 a.m. – noon

  • Lactation Advice Line – we have a Lactation Advice Line you can contact by calling (650) 723-4118. Leave us a message and we will return your calls in 24 to 48 hours (Monday through Friday). For urgent questions, contact your pediatrician.

Learn more about our lactation services >

Learn more about our Infant Feeding Policy >

How skin-to-skin bonding helps breastfeeding

Placing your baby skin-to-skin on your chest during the first hours and days after birth has been shown to support your baby’s transition to life outside of the womb, and help establish successful breastfeeding and bonding. In your birth plan, you may include your wish to have your newborn baby (unclothed or wearing only a diaper) placed immediately on your chest and covered with a blanket, where you can relax together for as long as possible. If you or your baby has special medical needs, or if your baby is born prematurely, skin-to-skin time is still beneficial when it becomes medically possible. Your partner can also provide skin-to-skin time with your baby, which helps keep baby warm, and provides bonding time. Your doctor can work with your family to determine what’s best to meet your and your baby’s needs.

Breastfeeding Support Patient Stories